Anthony Ciccarello
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Posts tagged "site changes"

  1. The snow has started falling on the site despite the weather still being in the 70+°F (20+°C) outside. ☃️

    • site changes
  2. I recently added a micropub server to make it easier to post to my site. Sorry if that means more dumb words. I’m hoping it encourages me to post more pictures though.

    • site changes
  3. I just merged a big update to the site which adds dark mode and some other style changes. The site now uses system fonts and doesn’t include the material css library which should reduce the size of the initial page load. The main goal was simplifying the codebase but css...

    • site changes
  4. Multi-engine site search

    I added the /search page to the site with a form supporting multiple search engines. The hope is to give visitors a bit more choice in what companies to interact with. The challenge was managing different query param for different sites. DuckDuckGo doesn’t support multiple q= params, but does accept...

    • site changes
    • technology
  5. I added a new page to my site this week. You can now preview some of the posts I have in progress on the /drafts page! Beware, I don’t plan on redirecting those old URLs though so I don’t recommend linking to draft posts.

    • site changes
  6. Thanks to my website should now be discoverable as @[email protected] on federated ActivityPub services like Mastodon. I’m still ironing out the kinks but I’m impressed by everything supports

    • site changes
  7. Today I finally enabled displaying of webmentions thanks to I only support rendering mentions client side for now but I hope to eventually add rendering and sending to the site’s build process.

    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  8. A year later I finally got my Instagram photos backfilled. I hope to make it easier to upload photos in the future but it feels good to have combined the two collections.

    • nature
    • flowers
    • plants
    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  9. I’ve added a new type of post to my site. This should open a whole world of possibilities integrating with standards!

    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  10. Photography has been a fun hobby to pick up. Though I may backfill older posts I wanted to start with something fresh. I’m looking forward to adding more content to my site.

    • nature
    • ocean
    • site changes
  11. Styling an RSS/Atom feed with XSL

    On my blog I link to my RSS/Atom feed for the convenience of people who use a feed reader. However, since this is an XML document, clicking on the link could be confusing for web visitors. I had previously looked into adding styles to the XML document to make it...

    • technology
    • site changes